〜絵柄に込められた思い〜 [ねこ] 奈良時代(8世紀)頃日本に来たとされていますが、神秘性からか、吉祥のイメージに及ばず、伝統文様としては残っていません。


[Cat] It has been said that cats arrived in Japan in Nara Era (8th century), but perhaps because of its mystic nature, cats have been beneath the image of auspiciousness, and therefore, no traditional motifs of cats have been found. However, in the modern age, there has been a beckoning cat boom that it brings in money and customers as it raises its hand. As a result, cats have become a symbol of a good-luck talisman.

ショップ 麿紋 楽天市場店
税込価格 3,300円